Saturday, June 9, 2012

Beanie Chimp

So, I have really enjoyed drawing animals.  I usually stick to girls, but when I decided to draw the giraffe I was really inspired.

People love animals.  People love animals more when they are wearing or doing people stuff!  Not sure why, but it's true.

Here's my little chimp wearing his cool knit beanie!  He's kind of a skater chimp.

Not sure what I'll do for my next drawing/painting.  Thinking about maybe a meerkat or otter.  I mean who doesn't like otters?

Any suggestions?

Side note:  My 16 year old daughter started work this week.  She works at The Artist Within as an assistant.  Her hours are from 9am to 4pm.  Tuesday she worked from 9am to 6:30 pm.  On day three, when we pulled up to the school she burst into tears!  She said..."I'm so tired.  Working is hard!"  I just had to laugh.  It is so funny seeing her get her first taste of the "real world."  By day 5 she was much better, though.  I'm so proud of her!


  1. Aaw Bless her. Sure she will enjoy the job once she gets used to the hours :D Love the Chimp :D XXX

  2. This face brightens my day :) My 17 year old is taking a gap year before starting uni & she said how tiring work is (she is doing it 4 days a week but often gets asked to do more) she also says she rather be studying (yep a little weird LOL) as the job can be monotonous, but is rather happy the way she is saving money with this gap job... she's off to by more manga tonight online :) Hey, I love meerkat's too! They are so adorable :)
